Monday, September 15, 2008

In Situ, Gardenside

Aire | Self-Reliant Femme Fatale
I like this picture because from this deceptive angle, it makes Hunter College look like a castle that could be surrounded by gardens and even have a fountain somewhere.

I actually featured Mia in one of the earliest blogs & I knew that since she was in my Intro to Women's Studies class, that she would inevitably be a recurring character.

Just like her diagonally striped halter top from before, her look today was also a predominantly monochromatic theme. I liked the pattern on her dress. I'm actually not familiar with it, but my eyes have been getting so tired of the played-out, recently hyper-trendy 'houndstooth'. Also, Mia's black & white argyle cardigan played a perfect supporting-role.

I learned from our smoky conversation together (pun!) that she had just adopted a baby kitten named, Opal Pearl. Opal being Mia's birthstone & Pearl being her long-time boyfriend's birthstone. How endearing & regal! Mia also told me how she wishes her boyfriend's post-punk band, 'Tell My Horse' would get back together because she adamantly feels within her boundless intuition that they can go far. I, too, would enjoy them getting together because I really am in the mood to become acquainted with more talented local NYC bands.