Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Aire | Professional Neck-Breaker
At first I was very intimidated to ask this man for permission to shoot his picture fearing that he would just have turned me down. However, as the Machiavellian saying goes, FORTUNA FAVORS THE BRAVE. I gave it a shot & even though I hesitated-- and in my hesitation he had succeeded walking a full 1 & 1/2 Astoria, Queens borough blocks away from me...

I instantaneously, in my resolve, burst into a frenetic run to his presence. Where I then hereby asked for his permission, of course. & I will forever be glad for my bravery today because my mind was officially blown to smithereens the very instant his outfit had collided with my respective dark-brown eyes.

His look was just so heavily Tyler Durden-influenced-- but I knew that the best part was that this adult man most likely has never even seen or heard of Chuck Palaniuk's grim 'n gritty novel/movie FIGHT CLUB. Garbed with the tackily stylish very touristy short-sleeved Hawaiian button down shirt, suit vest, vintage Wrangler jeans & old school Keds sneakers-- he definitely looked like he had just raided Tyler's careless vintage wardrobe.
Note: Keds were to the 80s & early 90s what Converses have been for forever.

"His name was Henry."

For those of you who didn't catch the pop culture reference I just made-- please do yourself a favor... watch & read 'FIGHT CLUB'.