Aire | Hired Elite Yakuza Gand Lord Assassin
I first saw him walking the 59th Street/Lexington Avenue station walking steadfast with a fearsome aura that I simply could not deny. I cautiously followed him onto the Uptown 6 train car he boarded and his presence was dark. Dangerous. Evil. It made the hair on my skin stand up. I really would not be surprised if he was a high-ranking boss member of the Chinese Triads or the Japanese Yakuza. Again, I first saw him walking the 59th & Lex train station STRUTTING, with his broad shoulders squared as if in an offensive stance, ready to attack. Walking so steadfast as if a violent man on-the-run from the NYPD Police & SWAT cars but has to maintain a calm, collected presentation so that all innocent bystanders would never deem him suspicious. Also, as this dark man was strutting as if about to break off into a run at any second from his pursuers... he was chewing gum rapidly with his predator-like jaw. And his eyes were disturbingly unfazed, disinterested, detached as if bored from his life of insidious crime & bountiful luxury.
They say you can tell how powerful a gangster is by the quality of his suit & the sheen of his shoes.