Aire | Silly, Quaint, Quirky, Comfortable
This is Antonia, my first ever real girlfriend. She has always been very childish & young to the core of her golden heart. She is presently attending graduate school at The American Museum of Natural History and was only 1 of the 5 students (out of thousands!) accepted into the rare, academically intensive, highly coveted program. Antonia is definitely among one of the most intelligent people that I know & acknowledge to be so fortunate to have in my life.
I feel that it is always an uplifting, warm feeling to see your first love & high school sweetheart doing well for herself.

I love how when Sam first entered the room & saw me, she exclaimed, "Ceasar's already here!?! Ceasar!! I go on NYC | Aire every single day! First I check FaceBook and then I check MySpace and then I go on NYC| Aire!"
Antonia chimed in with, "Really?! Me too! But first I check Craigslist then I check Facebook and Gmail and then I go on your blog!"

This is Antonia's first ever apartment which is in Astoria, Queens-- her hometown where she's been born & raised. I'm so happy for her because she's finally raking in the mad dough that she can now support herself independently without aid from her parents. I am at that age where most of my friends are now living like this while I am still at home. I am by no means insulting myself here, but I definitely feel so proud of all of my friends & family whenever they flee the nest-- able, capable and very well willing.

I haven't seen Antonia in such a long time & I was very surprised to discover that she had still kept the postcard of the dog (far right) that I had given to her as a little surprise of a present back when she was 17 and I was 18. We had dated for a little bit over a year & 1/2 and I still remember our anniversary date. It was 03/03/03.

I love how Samantha, Antonia's childhood best friend & my friend as well, asked me , "So, Ceasar.. when are you gonna put me & Antonia on NYC | Aire?!?!?!"
I laughed & replied, "Oh, I will, babe. Don't worry!"

Embarking outdoors for a cigarette break.