I instantaneously, in my resolve, burst into a frenetic run to his presence. Where I then hereby asked for his permission, of course. & I will forever be glad for my bravery today because my mind was officially blown to smithereens the very instant his outfit had collided with my respective dark-brown eyes.
His look was just so heavily Tyler Durden-influenced-- but I knew that the best part was that this adult man most likely has never even seen or heard of Chuck Palaniuk's grim 'n gritty novel/movie FIGHT CLUB. Garbed with the tackily stylish very touristy short-sleeved Hawaiian button down shirt, suit vest, vintage Wrangler jeans & old school Keds sneakers-- he definitely looked like he had just raided Tyler's careless vintage wardrobe.
Note: Keds were to the 80s & early 90s what Converses have been for forever.
"His name was Henry."
For those of you who didn't catch the pop culture reference I just made-- please do yourself a favor... watch & read 'FIGHT CLUB'.