Alexandra; a prized, rarest diamond...
favorite jeweled memory of my past
& I am so lucky to know her, she's an old friend from college. I am supposed to visit her in London this Summer, but right now I have no money! AGH! It's okay, though. Because she's right. She told me that she believes in me & that with my positivity I can make anything happen. If I have to, I'll sell everything I own just to make it over this Summer. Cos your first trip overseas should always be when you're young, fresh, ready & willing. Not when you're old enough to regret it. There is absolutely nothing worse than pursuing an adventure too many years too late. Hell, even if it is just one year too late... one year is twelve months too long.
Laziness. Procrastination. Weakness. Lack of drive, will, motivation, dedication, devotion, bravado & courage. I advise to everyone & myself to do our best to defy all these negative character traits of downfall & tragedy.
Not traveling when you most want to, when your desire has reached it's peak of olympian heights is equivalent to never having the courage to kiss the current crush of your dreams.