They both obviously suffer blatant psychological issues. The Sartorialist from a Napoleonic Complex & The Cobra Snake from a balding complex. I do not respect men whose strength stems from fighting their battles against their own pathetic, incessant insecurities & inner-demons-- their troubles are irrelevant to me. I also hate it when it translates into their so-called "art". It's so sad. I feel that they are both not honest with themselves & will never, in an honest, formal confession-- confess the truth that they are weaklings with perverted souls driven by secretive ulterior motives. Both of their styles are so subversive & it's so annoying how their photographs are over-run with creepster undertones. I love bad asses like Jon Ngan who-- out of sheer genius, admits to saving folders of hot girls that he stalks & has Facebook crushes on... publicly on his blog: GIFT TO THE WORLD!
Godspeed, Jon!
You're the fucking illest!
I believe in building a company in which HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY.
Fuck The Sartorialist & The Cobra Snake for supporting & spearheading the all-too-prevalent & over-saturated business mentality that is: SEX SELLS.
Fuck that!
Fuck all that Sartorialist & Cobra Snake never scratching the surface, cowardice, high doses of insincerity & severe lack of vulnerable personalities.
Faux-demure. Falsely debonaire. It's all a ruse that I pierce right through.
I hate that these guys are "famous" for doing boring things.
I wish more "famous" people had heart & inspiration behind their works. Like J.K. Rowling, she rules. Hell, I absolutely hate her writing but I even appreciate the author of Twilight moreso than these two turds.