Aire | Incandescent & Beautiful
Isn't Kirsten absolutely radiant? When I first saw her, jetsetting past me from our train stop in Astoria, the initial thought that ran through my head was, "Please don't get away."
For she was heads away from me in the crowd and I had to fight my way politely to her side to pose the question, "May I take a picture of you?"
She, as evidence shows, cordially complied and much to my satisfaction, what should have been mere pictures had undergone a metamorphosis and became photographs.
The first picture I took of her was by Hoyt Playground, because the setting was just so urban & she was just glowing.
Even though I just met her, I felt bad because I put her under a spotlight which she didn't have to stand under. Especially since I knew that she had probably just gotten out of work that late evening.
The conversation took place as follows:
Ceasar - I'm sorry. I know we just met. But would you mind if I walked you home? A classy lady like you, I wouldn't wanna see you get hurt.
Kirsten - Oh yeah? In Astoria? It's not a bad neighborhood!
Ceasar - Yeah I know, but. It's fine, I don't have to. Just wanted to throw it out there.
Kirsten - No, it's fine. But what are you gonna do in case something happens?
Ceasar - I dunno. Scare them off with my big, bad, black leather jacket?
Kirsten laughed & then said, "Alright, let's go."